ARCHER: A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers



  • ARCHER contains copyright material made available on the understanding that the rights of the copyright holders will not be infringed. As a result, until 2013 the text was available only in the departments that were collaborating to produce the corpus. All users had to sign a User Agreement in hard copy.
  • For the first time ARCHER 3.2 makes the corpus searchable online via the internet. For copyright reasons the search engines must limit the amount of context that can be downloaded. The limits are more than adequate for most linguistic purposes. If for any reason more context is needed, a user must arrange to visit a consortium department, as previously.
  • Copyright in individual texts cited resides with the original IPR holders, as noted in the respective file header in version 3.2. For a full list please see the documentation page.

User agreement

  • In order to use ARCHER, whether locally at a consortium university or online via the internet, you must complete the User Agreement available on the documentation page. You must read the whole agreement; we suggest keeping a hard copy for reference. NB. Students in a class do not need to complete the ARCHER online form.
  • For online access to ARCHER at Lancaster, all users (including students in a class) must first create an account on the CQPweb server there. Individual researchers then enter their registered CQPweb username on the ARCHER sign-up form. Instructors of classes should collect a list of their students’ CQPweb usernames and send it by email to
  • Permission to access ARCHER is individual, strictly for that user alone and not to be shared with others.
  • In due course there will also be login information for the online version hosted at the University of Zurich.
  • Users at a consortium department should check on local arrangements for access.

Information on ARCHER

  • Preliminaries. For general descriptions of the corpus and its various versions, please explore this website.
  • Practical use. View hints and tips on using ARCHER online in CQPweb.
  • Further information. For a detailed history of the ARCHER project, including a listing of individual and departmental contributions and detailed technical descriptions, please see the CoRD entry for ARCHER.

Page last updated 4 December 2019.